Summer Toboggan Run
Großbüchlberg 31
95666 Mitterteich
Bavaria, Germany
(+49) 9633 - 3985
(+49) 9633 - 8377
Großbüchlberg 31
95666 Mitterteich
Bavaria, Germany
(+49) 9633 - 3985
(+49) 9633 - 8377
In the opening hours shown below. In case of very changeable weather, please call in advance.
In case of rain, fog and generally bad weather. Possibly changed opening hours according to the notice on site.
For buses or generally larger groups, pre-registration is mandatory! By arrangement, the group can also be offered opening hours outside the times shown.
In the WC area of the summer toboggan run, a medical mask must be worn.
It is also mandatory ordered to disinfect before each ride.
Important: The observance of safety precautions (including keeping a distance of 1.5m from strangers at all times) must be observed.
The bungee trampoline remains closed, we ask for your understanding.
Due to complexity, the opening hours are only listed at the German site.
In case of bad weather the track remains closed!
Due to complexity, the opening hours are only listed at the German site.
In case of bad weather the track remains closed!
Due to complexity, the opening hours are only listed at the German site.
In case of bad weather the track remains closed!
Due to complexity, the opening hours are only listed at the German site.
In case of bad weather the track remains closed!
Open during operation of the summer toboggan run.
In case of rain or bad weather all trampolines remain closed!
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